♥ maya. ([info]x_wifey) wrote in [info]comicgetfuzzy,
@ 2005-03-09 00:37:00
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hopefully just the one post today... ;)

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2005-03-09 05:43 (link)
Aww, bucky's so cute lying on the radiator!

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2005-03-09 05:44 (link)
Nice Get Fuzzy icon...

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2005-03-09 11:27 (link)
Ha! Meta humour.:)

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2005-03-09 05:47 (link)
usually when using another person's icon you should give to credit to them. it's even better when you ask permission.

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2005-03-09 06:28 (link)
That was a great Daily Show with Jon Stewart.

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2005-03-09 07:31 (link)
Yes, you wouldn't want the person who originally infringed on Darby Conley's copyright not to get the credit for it.... Who gets credit for what again? *shakes head* Damnit, Jim! It's an LJ icon, not the Mona Lisa.

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2005-03-09 07:41 (link)
True the orignal copyright goes to Darby, but someone spent the time and effort to make that icon.

It's a generally accepted concept across lj in all icon communitys that you credit the maker of the icon.

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2005-03-09 07:59 (link)
Yes, I am aware of the convention. It doesn't make it less silly. The, oh, two minutes it takes to cut-and-paste from someone else's work (maybe three if you want to animate the layers a couple layers)...

I'll live if I never ever get "credit" for all my time and effort....


I will.

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2005-03-09 08:02 (link)
wow, and it looks like crap. You can look at it and tell that you spent thirty seconds on that.

And no one would need to credit that cause it's definitely not worth taking.

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2005-03-09 08:04 (link)
I'm crushed.

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(no subject) - [info]killerspork33, 2005-03-09 08:09:52
(no subject) - [info]mbarrick, 2005-03-09 08:41:02
(no subject) - [info]killerspork33, 2005-03-09 08:44:48
(no subject) - [info]darkcryst, 2005-03-09 09:31:00
(no subject) - [info]ruggerjill, 2005-03-09 14:41:10
(no subject) - [info]killerspork33, 2005-03-09 17:26:28
(no subject) - [info]local81, 2005-03-09 18:17:08
(no subject) - [info]killerspork33, 2005-03-09 19:47:14
(no subject) - [info]local81, 2005-03-09 19:48:39
(no subject) - [info]killerspork33, 2005-03-09 19:50:06
(no subject) - [info]local81, 2005-03-09 19:50:46
(no subject) - [info]killerspork33, 2005-03-09 19:58:09
(no subject) - [info]local81, 2005-03-09 20:00:09
(no subject) - [info]killerspork33, 2005-03-09 20:05:06
Good God and Hallejuiah! - [info]local81, 2005-03-09 20:15:53
Re: Good God and Hallejuiah! - [info]local81, 2005-03-09 20:16:57
Re: Good God and Hallejuiah! - [info]whatparanoia, 2005-03-10 18:18:43
Re: Good God and Hallejuiah! - [info]killerspork33, 2005-03-09 20:20:42
Re: Good God and Hallejuiah! - [info]local81, 2005-03-09 20:21:42
Re: Good God and Hallejuiah! - [info]thedaneoflawder, 2005-03-09 20:29:15
Re: Good God and Hallejuiah! - [info]local81, 2005-03-09 20:33:28
Re: Good God and Hallejuiah! - [info]stupiddumbpanda, 2005-03-09 20:39:07
Re: Good God and Hallejuiah! - [info]thedaneoflawder, 2005-03-09 20:44:35
Re: Good God and Hallejuiah! - [info]stupiddumbpanda, 2005-03-09 20:48:03
Re: Good God and Hallejuiah! - [info]thedaneoflawder, 2005-03-09 20:49:33
Re: Good God and Hallejuiah! - [info]stupiddumbpanda, 2005-03-09 20:51:32
Re: Good God and Hallejuiah! - [info]local81, 2005-03-09 20:52:28
Re: Good God and Hallejuiah! - [info]local81, 2005-03-09 20:53:19
What community am I in again? - [info]ruggerjill, 2005-03-09 21:16:38
Re: What community am I in again? - [info]local81, 2005-03-09 21:22:46
Re: What community am I in again? - [info]ruggerjill, 2005-03-09 21:23:49
Re: What community am I in again? - [info]nemesisbecoming, 2005-03-10 05:59:03
*MOD COMMENT* - [info]x_wifey, 2005-03-10 03:50:27
Re: *MOD COMMENT* - [info]st_fred, 2005-03-10 04:24:57
Re: *MOD COMMENT* - [info]spookydude, 2005-03-10 12:14:07
Re: *MOD COMMENT* - [info]joecdn, 2005-03-10 06:33:16
Re: *MOD COMMENT* - [info]local81, 2005-03-10 06:36:10
Re: *MOD COMMENT* - [info]x_wifey, 2005-03-10 06:46:12
Re: *MOD COMMENT* - [info]covered_in_clay, 2005-03-10 18:44:57
Re: *MOD COMMENT* - [info]gladstone, 2005-03-10 22:07:11
Re: *MOD COMMENT* - [info]princezz522, 2005-03-11 00:36:16
Re: What community am I in again? - [info]sunset_scorpio, 2005-03-10 07:44:33
Re: What community am I in again? - [info]johnny101, 2005-03-10 15:43:20
(no subject) - [info]nastyboots, 2005-03-09 19:53:10
(no subject) - [info]killerspork33, 2005-03-09 19:57:05
(no subject) - [info]foxx, 2005-03-10 06:42:32
(no subject) - [info]darkcryst, 2005-03-09 20:02:02
(no subject) - [info]killerspork33, 2005-03-09 20:14:10
(no subject) - [info]darkcryst, 2005-03-09 20:33:55
(no subject) - [info]st_fred, 2005-03-10 04:21:38
(no subject) - [info]nastyboots, 2005-03-09 17:37:53
(no subject) - [info]m_jade8, 2005-03-10 06:44:01
(no subject) - [info]pinknblack21, 2005-03-10 06:03:53
(no subject) - [info]jennae, 2005-03-11 01:31:39
j00 r 4 ╔≡┬α╔|) - [info]langsuir, 2005-03-09 22:29:19
Re: j00 r 4 ╔≡┬α╔|) - [info]jaeelle, 2005-03-10 06:22:05
You are a retard (translation) - [info]lord_lacolith, 2005-03-10 06:45:02
Re: You are a retard (translation) - [info]jaeelle, 2005-03-10 07:38:47
Re: You are a retard (translation) - [info]lord_lacolith, 2005-03-10 16:06:07
(no subject) - [info]shadowviolet, 2005-03-10 06:12:00
Stole all my icons :) - [info]jp_likes_stuff, 2005-03-10 06:40:30

2005-03-10 00:23 (link)
Actually I think it looks cute....

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2005-03-10 00:38 (link)
Less is more.

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2005-03-09 19:34 (link)
Damnit, Jim! It's an LJ icon, not the Mona Lisa

Thank you for making me giggle. Really. I needed it. So much so that I'm going to use this Fear&Loathing icon that I stole from somewhere aeons ago (see how it perfectly portrays the paranoid look of the icon-maker? Someone, somewhere is using one of his icons. UNCREDITED!).

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2005-03-09 20:49 (link)
No, really, the right thing to do is include a scan of your written permission from Terry Gilliam, the estate of Hunter S. Thompson, Johnny Depp, Fear and Loathing LLC, Rhino Films, Shark Productions, Summit Entertainment, Universal Pictures, and especially the "artist" that ripped and animated those half-dozen or so frames in every single post you make using the icon. Never ever use the icon with giving full credit to the icon artist involved. As a bare minimum every post and comment you make should include credit as demonstrated below.

Icon Cast and Crew:

Icon Artist:
Michael R. Barrick

Special Thanks:
Simon Fraser University fine arts programme
Adobe Corporation

Directed by
Leslie H. Martinson

Lorenzo Semple Jr.

Based on "Batman" by Bob Kane

Adam West as Batman

Cinematography by
Howard Schwartz

Special Effects by
L.B. Abbott

Produced by:
20th Century Fox
Greenlawn Productions
William Dozier Productions

© 1966 20th Century Fox
(used without permission)

But most importantly....

In case you missed it the first time...

Icon Artist
Michael R. Barrick, B.A. Visual Arts

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Re: Gasp!
2005-03-09 21:19 (link)
Yes! Can you imagine what a blissful paradise the world would be if everybody would adhere to that crediting policy? *Closes his eyes* I can see it now... Peace in Northern Ireland and the Middle East, the erradication of world-hunger, Lady Diana back from the dead,... It's so beautiful it burns my eyes! Maybe porn can lessen the pain...

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Re: Gasp! - [info]mort, 2005-03-10 00:35:43
Re: Gasp!
2005-03-10 00:40 (link)
gold, jerry ! gold !

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Re: Gasp!
2005-03-10 06:02 (link)
LOL... so awesome!

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Re: Gasp!
2005-03-10 06:45 (link)
I'm stealing your upwards marquee trick, and not giving you credit!

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Re: Gasp! - [info]mbarrick, 2005-03-10 06:58:07
Re: Gasp!
2005-03-10 08:09 (link)
and since some people are being kinda picky about this, i am going to save your icon, wait until you're not using it anymore, and then use it and give you credit all at once. it's nice to be polite. :D

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2005-03-09 20:40 (link)
Well, at least I'm sure it was made on a legally obtained copy of photoshop or some other equal photoediting software...surely not a pirated copy...right? Right?

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2005-03-10 04:17 (link)
you have a right to your opinion, but [info]killerspork33 has the right to ask someone to credit them for an icon they made. it's common internet etiquette. anyone on lj should know that. of course the image is not their personal property and of course not everyone is going to credit, but an icon maker has the right to ask that people credit them. i think you were fairly antagonistic with [info]killerspork33, and since i don't want any hostility in my community, i have to ask that you not provoke arguments when people make simple justified requests. i am already pissed off at [info]local81 for their comments, so please don't try to start anything else.

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2005-03-10 04:07 (link)
[info]killerspork33: for the most part, [info]seashellullaby seems to credit for the icons she uses, and i have seen several people with icons very similar to that bucky/mirror one (though maybe you are referring to a different icon). if it's that important, feel free to report it to lj abuse, but there's not really much you can do to get them to credit. i hope you know all this.

otherwise, i am sorry [info]mbarrick was giving you such a hard time about simply asking someone to credit. you had a very valid request, and i think he was unjustly antagonistic towards you. and as for [info]local81... i am very pissed at their comments and am very tempted to ban them. if they bother you again, please let me know. i will not tolerate those kinds of comments in my community, and have already warned them to watch their future comments.

i hope this doesn't deter you from commenting in the future.

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Friendly advice
2005-03-10 06:19 (link)
I wouldn't invoke LJ Abuse in your position. This community is, in and of itself, a flagrant copyright violation and therefore violates section XIV.3 of the Terms of Service (unless of course you actually have permission to republish these comics). LJ has shut down lots of comic feeds and communities like this in the past.

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Re: Friendly advice
2005-03-10 06:29 (link)
no, i wouldn't want to involve lj abuse either for all those reasons, but i thought i should at least let her know since i have heard of them temporarily suspending users who refused to credit or used an icon without permission, though it is incredibly hard to prove. i have had several get fuzzy feeds shut down already, and since this one has escaped notice for so many months, i hope it will continue.

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Re: Friendly advice
2005-03-10 22:15 (link)
LJ Abuse wouldn't do anything anyway since the icons themselves are copyright violations, generally. Unless you actually own the copyright on the photo you used in an icon you made (if you took the picture yourself, for instance), then you don't actually have a case that LJ Abuse can act on. It's spelled out pretty clearly in the FAQ:

In general, an image or piece of writing which has been altered is still considered to be copyrighted to the person who created the original work; the altered content is usually considered derivative work which itself has the potential of being in violation of the copyright holder's work.

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